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The LOFT project present at the CYTA-CESIA 2024 Congress

Writer's picture: LOFTLOFT

Updated: Jan 15

This Erasmus + project in which IA2 participates presented a poster in the session on digital transformation

The city of Barcelona hosted during the 3rd and 4th of April the XII CYTA-CESIA 2024 National Congress, an event in which LOFT, an Erasmus + project in which the Agri-Food Institute of Aragon (IA2) participates, was present. This congress, one of the most important nationally within its field, pays attention to topics such as food and health, food safety, advances in food processing technologies, digital transformation or food sustainability.

Specifically, the project participated on April 4 in the Digital Transformation session, where a communication was presented in poster format entitled "Evaluation of the digital competencies of local food producers and analysis of their training needs". María Garrido presented part of the work package led by the IA2 within the LOFT project. As a starting point, interviews with producers and local management authorities were proposed with the aim of knowing the current situation of the sector in digitization, identifying the training needs of the LFP (Local Food Producers, local food producers), also relying on the local authorities with management competences and compiling good practices of the agri-food sector.

These surveys were conducted between May-September 2023 and a total of 120 responses were received between the four partner countries (Turkey, Italy, France and Spain), from which the following results have been identified: that LFPs exercise a low use of digital tools, while local authorities and management agents overestimate the digitization of the sector; that most LFPs did not received any previous digitization course but are interested in doing so in the future, especially in online sales and marketing, and that LFPs prefer online learning formats while Local management authorities and actors opt for face-to-face events due to the complexity of the digitization issue.

The study therefore concludes that there is a clear need for digital training for local producers in all the countries of the study. Of all the prioritized training needs, respondents show a greater preference for online training on digital marketing and sales tools.


Project details

Project number: 2022-1-TR01-KA220-VET-000088431. “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Türkiye, France, Italy, Spain are the partners of this project. The project duration is 24 months, starting from December 2022. This publication reflects the views of the author only, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein."

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